Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Shut the Trump Up! Inside Donny J's Victory Speech

         Donald Trump has a very specific and unique speaking style. His post-election victory speech really exemplifies his speaking style and everything we have come to expect from a speech by “Donny J”.  He maintains his signature slow and steady everyman language approach with this speech while highlighting the issues he sees as important. 
I see this speech as his best and most positive speech. He did a very good job of abiding by the ceremonial norms of the victory speech by thanking Fmr. Sec. Clinton for her service and commending her valiant effort in her campaign. Trump also is sure to thank his constituency for their unwavering support, as well as begin the reunification process that is necessary after an especially divisive election. This speech honestly felt more like an inaugural address than a victory speech with his comments on issues, however, not in a bad way. I thought it gave his speech more meat, and he went about discussing the issues in a such a way that was easy for people who weren't his supporters to get behind. 
With those positives being said, there were still some definite weaknesses to this speech. Firstly, while he attempted to unify the country with speech, it still sounds as an extremely nationalist piece of rhetoric rather than a celebratory “horah”. The other part of the speech I really didn't like was when he, once again, showed how piss poor he is at taking criticism. This came when discussing how great his campaign team is. He made a petty comment regarding how they criticized how small his campaign team, and that he thought his team was pretty big. There is just no need for that in this speech. He had already won and WAS giving such  great speech. The final criticism I have of his speech was that he had his entire family on stage. I know it isn't over is speech but I think having the entire Trump clan up there was a bad move because it brought unnecessary ridicule to Baron Trump. 
If I was his campaign manager, I would have a couple pieces of advice moving forward. First off, I would tell him to ease off the awkward “ok” sign hand gestures. They just make the audience feel uncomfortable. Secondly, I would tell him that criticisms of small things don't matter. You have already won there is no need to acknowledge stupid stuff and be petty about it. Finally, I would tell him to place some focus on appealing to minorities. His base of Republicans and uneducated white voters will not leave him, so he should work to garner some support from outsiders such as the Muslim and gay community. 

He did a good job in this speech of discussing all of the issues he had promoted during his campaign. Trump talked about a stricter foreign policy, more jobs for Americans, and a better overall infrastructure. I wish he would have discussed his plans for ISIS and his ties with Russia. Those were two things that were discussed and criticized during the campaign, and I think clearing the air a bit about both of those subjects would have gone a long ways. The other issue I wished he would have brought up was gay rights. I think discussing that issue would have put a lot of minds at ease. Since his nomination of Mike Pence, a big question surrounding the Trump campaign is how he would handle gay rights. I would also make the suggestion to him that he should back off talking about his immigration plans in upcoming speeches. It is one of his most divisive issue stances and this is the time for unification so laying off of the immigration stance may do him and the nation some good. 



  1. I like that you mentioned he thanked Hillary for her effort in the campaign. It was an intense campaign, with lots of emotions involved. With that being said, you are right on the flaws of his speech. He is not good with taking criticism, and he used this speech to talk himself up and deliver a few back-handed insults. When you win, you should not be a 'sore winner' you should be mature and focus on the important job they have ahead of them.

  2. I completely agree with you on your comments. I think it is going to be very interesting to see how he handles this moving forward, specifically when other countries continue to criticize him.

  3. Dan you did a good job pointing out his flaws and strengths in his victory speech. However, I think he should keep his "awkward" hand motions because I believe that's one of the things that makes Donald, Donald Trump! Great blog!
