Thursday, February 9, 2017

Trump Around! The Strategy that Won Trump the Presidency

  Trump’s first strength is the ability to appeal to fear. He does this by stating worst case
scenarios as very real threats to the average everyday Americans. An example of this was when he was talking about Mexican immigrants, "They're sending people that have lots of problems...they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists.”. This ability to play on fear was a huge part of his success. Another strength of Trump’s is the way he talks. He doesn't sound like a politician. He sounds like an everyday kind of guy, the kind of guy you could grab a beer with. That ability to sound average helped him appeal to the uneducated white voters that ended up being his strongest constituency.  
Trump definitely has his fair share of weaknesses. His first weakness is having no real political experience. This gave many people reasons to be suspicious of the legitimacy of his candidacy. Many staunch members of the Republican establishment didn't come around for a very long time because of his lack of experience. Another one of his weaknesses is his outspoken crassness. This is a weakness because his campaign team would never know what off the cuff comments he was going to make, so they had to  have back up plans set in  place.
            There is one opportunity in which Trump took advantage of that not many people (including myself) saw coming. That opportunity was the blue collared labor force of the rust belt. The rust belt voting block has been a hot bed for democratic support, especially the uneducated white vote. It was exactly that uneducated white vote swinging that helped Donald Trump win the presidency. I believe he took advantage of the rust belt in two ways. First by picking Mike Pence from Indiana to by his running mate, he sent the message that their voice would be heard. Second, the pitch that he is going to make sure factory jobs stay where they are at by taxing companies that outsource.
           The biggest threat to Donald Trump (other than getting stunned by STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN was things from his past coming up last minute. An example of this was his infamous access hollywood video where he is quoted, “Grab them by the p^%$%”. That video resulted in huge protests and even some backlash within the Republican party. The other major threat to his candidacy was the rising minority vote in Texas. If Hillary would have been able to successfully take advantage of Texas the election may have turned out very different. 
During Trump’s campaign, there were two issues at the forefront. First, foreign policy regarding ISIS. Second, foreign policy in regards to keeping jobs in the hands of Americans. The reason why he wanted these two issue stances to be at the forefront of his campaign is to play off the fear that many American’s have of their way of life being threatened. Whether it be by a physical threat or it be by an economic threat. I think that Trump could have built off of the fear platform that North Korea has become a threat again and that they need to be dealt with promptly. 
          The two most important members of Trump’s campaign team were Kellyanne Conway and Daniel Scavino. Kellyanne Conway was his campaign manager. He made this change rather late in the campaign after firing his previous campaign manager. Conway used to be a pollster for many years and even worked for a Ted Cruz super-PAC before switching to team Trump. Once she was promoted to campaign manager, the effects were almost instant. She immediately made Trump apologize for anything he has done to hurt people and started trying to help his image. Daniel Scavino was Trump’s social media manager. Before the campaign, Scavino worked for Trump in advertising for over a decade. After his bid for presidency was announced, Scavino was quickly appointed to be a senior advisor and later social media manager. Trump’s social media presence is a big reason why he was so successful, he had a constant method of communication with the public. 


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